The last time I walked Zurich, it was just after sunrise, on a beautiful sunny day. This time, the weather wasn't so much in my favor, and I was forced to see parts of Zurich I would have otherwise missed... the details in the back streets, elaborate store windows and deserted coffee shops. I sat for over an hour in a boutique chocolate shop sipping real hot chocolate... I wandered, I got lost, I had a wonderful day exploring and experiencing a different side of Zurich.
Bicycle Love
He was my grandfather. We called him Papa. He was a simple man, from what I remember, from the stories I've been told. He was a war veteran. He fell in love overseas and brought his Dutch bride home. He was a mailman and refused any promotions that took him off his walking route. He loved people. People loved him. He was a photographer. He documented life. His passion was trains, and he would travel anywhere and everywhere to photograph them. His collection is one of the largest in Canada. Every photograph he took, he printed as an 8x10 and wrote the location, date and subject names. His home was filled with filing cabinets to house all these images, and he knew where each and every one was. He walked or rode his bike everywhere. One of my favorite stories is that he was pulled over by a policeman from riding his bike too fast down the old Royal Oak hill Road. What I would pay to witness that scene... priceless...
What I really loved about Papa was that when I moved to Vancouver, he would telephone me and say "Hi darling, I was hoping to call on you today". He was an absolute gentleman.
To this day, when I see an older bike, I think of him... my Papa, camera slung over his shoulder, slacks and polished shoes, riding faster than the speed limit down a steep hill... off to capture his next train.
I miss you, Papa... xoxo
Walking Verona
Now officially one of my favorite cities in Italy, Verona has a quaint feel yet it is still large enough to have a great selection of restaurants and an ample maze of streets for me to get lost. Sitting in the piazza's drinking carafes of the local Valpolicella, wandering along the canals and feeling the soft evening light... it's all heaven to me. I look forward to my next visit... xoxo
Venezia... in the rain
Walking the maze of narrow streets was quite a task, ducking and dodging hundreds upon hundreds of umbrellas. Making our way to Piazza San Marco, we were surprised to see most of it under at least a foot of water. Being the lowest point in Venice, it is always the first to flood, from heavy rain or storm surge. The tourists didn't seem to mind, some taking off their shoes and making their way across the square. Most though, took refuge in the covered walkways, warming themselves with cups of espresso and watching the rain come down... and down... and down.
I've seen Venice on a pristine sunny day, and now I've seen it on a dark and stormy one. Both hold their own beauty of a different kind...
Verona... the city of Romeo & Juliet
Known as piccola Roma (little Rome) for its importance in imperial days, Verona is truly one of the most beautiful cities in Italy. Wandering her streets, we came to Piazza Delle Erbe, where storm clouds were brewing behind the baroque Palazzo Maffei, decorated by statues of Greek gods. Situated in front is the majestic St. Mark's Lion, the symbol of the Republic of Venice.
All the way to Abu Dhabi
In Farmboy's latest newsletter, I saw some of my work featured at the Crowne Plaza in Abu Dhabi. More often than not, we don't get to see the finished product, and it's always exciting to see which images are chosen, how they are displayed, and where in the world they end up. I've worked with Farmboy for over five years now. They continue to blow me away with their innovative, cutting edge design style. Put simply, Farmboy rocks.
The photos below are close-ups I took of the carved marble on the buildings beside the leaning tower of Pisa.