Andrew, Karlene, Abigail & Kelsa | Family

Over a year ago, I got to photograph Karlene when she was pregnant and then shortly after when the twins were born. This past weekend, I visited the family for Abigail and Kelsa's one year celebration. How amazing to see how the family has grown and evolved! Karlene and Andrew now confident, beaming parents, and Abigail and Kelsa now strong and adventurous girls. What a beautiful family!

Keith & Alana | Wedding

Keith and Alana were married on a beautiful beach in Maui in the Spring. I was so excited to have the opportunity to photograph this stunning couple over the weekend... wedding dress and all.

Alana and Keith, I had so much fun, thank you for being adventurous and patient. Anyone who would scale a fence in her wedding dress is pretty incredible in my books! Wishing you endless days of all that makes you smile... xoxo


Alana & Keith | Wedding

I don't normally post on the weekend but I couldn't pass this one by from a shoot yesterday...

I love the softness... the simplicity, yet complexity of this image. It feels like Fall and love and beauty... a moment of magic.

Alana, you are so very lovely. I can't wait to post the rest!

Shannon, Grant & Family | Family

I have the honor of photographing this beautiful family every once in a while, and this special occasion happened to coincide with a visit from Grant's mom from New Zealand. We took the kids to a nearby park and a beach, just to explore and have fun. This is why I love my job so much...

Grant and Shannon... so nice to see you again and so lovely to meet your mother! Much love... xoxo

Grace Ormonde Tabletop Shoot | Bella Signature Design

I remember Daniela, of Bella Signature Design, telling us of the difficulties that came up for them in driving from Seattle to create a table for this event. They couldn't bring their flowers up across the border and had to source them out here, being very short on time, it was quite stressful. But they pulled it off. Their table was bright and beautiful with unique details and stunning linens. Her inspiration given by the Grace Ormonde team was a 'cultural wedding', which was made even more perfect with Daniela's ‘modern lush’ design aesthetic.

Big thanks again to Reine for inviting us to shoot alongside her, which is always a fabulous day of learning and laughing.