Yesterday I asked the question, what makes you come alive? And then... why aren't you doing it? And I suppose that's not really fair, because many people out there are in fact doing what they love, what makes them come alive. I'd love to hear your story...
For me, the first thing that comes to mind is traveling. New foods, foreign smells, opening a door and not knowing what is on the other side... driving a winding road through mountains I've never driven. Sharing a laugh with a local, watching a city wake in the morning... and go to sleep at night. Learning the customs and traditions, appreciating the history... the stories that make it unique. I am alive in the space of the unknown.
I am alive when I am connected. To nature, to people... to everything around me. Sitting on a surfboard just past the break, ocean currents along my legs, sun on my face, salt on my lips, a breeze dancing along the surface... birds above me, dolphins and sea turtles around me... waiting for the next set, the surge of energy that propels me along the surface... and in that moment... all I have is just the moment. Freedom.
Whether on this side of the world or the other, looking into another's eyes, sharing a laugh, feeling another's truth, whether it be hurt or fear or love... is powerful. The beautiful thing is that you can connect in a second... even with a stranger... and be changed from the exchange. The sharing of energy makes me feel alive.
Music. Art. Another's passion. Learning. Witnessing the human spirit. The smell of spring... and a spring rain. Laughter. Love. Teaching. Fall leaves. Summer breezes. So many things...
Photography. When I don't work, I am not connecting to others, to nature, to myself. I get anxious and agitated. I have come to need it in my life in a way like never before. It is challenging to capture exactly what I see... sometimes it gets lost in translation... but it makes me learn and grow and expand myself. I feel alive when I bring a part of someone else alive. When I show them a side of themselves they couldn't see outside of the photo. When I capture a moment that defines their love, a connection, someone's spirit unleashed, a truth exposed. I am alive when I am giving... because what I receive is so much more.
Yup, feelin' pretty alive...