♥ 2013 mantra ♥

It's a new year, which I suppose means new goals... but this year I am going to keep it simple. Yes, there are a few big ones I will write out on my wall so I can work towards them everyday (shoots I aspire to, places I dream about), but this year I want to focus more on the journey itself. By that I mean living more presently with more intention. So I wrote a few things that I will keep as my mantra for the year to create a more meaningful and happy world :)

♥ laugh often (I can get quite serious, laughing always brings me back to the moment)

♥ love deeply (is there any other way? give give give)

♥ forgive all (let go and move on, from big to miniscule)

♥ dream big (if your dreams don't scare you they aren't big enough!)                            

♥ live with intention (don't live passively. Create it!)

Wishing you all an extraordinary year of good health, abundance and laughter!


Vision Board

Last night I did a fun exercise to mark the beginning of a new year with a good friend of mine. More than being fun, it was extremely important because ultimately, I was creating the story I want to live. Creating a vision board is very similar to writing out your goals in life, except an image evokes more emotion than simply writing them. We looked through dozens of magazines, clipping out words, phrases and images that represented something important to us, or what we wanted, in all aspects of our life… all the while laughing and sharing and holding back no fear in acknowledging our truths. Then, we both got really silent as we pasted the images and words that were to become our future. Because they were going to become our future. That is such an important element. Believing. So as I sit here at my desk, I’m looking at my vision board (now surrounded by photos of family and friends and great moments), as I will everyday for at least 5 minutes, and focus on creating the life I dream of!