It's the little things. A smile, a laugh, the smell of freshly ground coffee, a warm fireplace on a cold day, crunchy snow under your feet, a nap in the middle of the day. It's feeling your muscles burning and lungs expanding and cold air on your cheeks. It's watching the mountains turn orange in the waning sunlight. It's reminiscing with old friends, laughing at yourself, seeing who we are through someone else's eyes. It's compassion and caring, it's seeing the innocence in a child's eyes. It's gratitude and acceptance. It's letting go and choosing joy. It's the smell of an orange as you peel it, and how a baby holds your finger. It's forgiveness, it's your favorite hoodie. It's losing yourself in the moment and loving the laugh lines around your eyes. It's tanned toes in the sand, a warm wind on your face. It's opening your eyes and your heart. It's the softness of a flower petal between your fingers, it's the ocean kissing the shore. It's being honest with yourself, and all of those around you. It's taking a chance, it's believing in ourselves and each other. It's full moons and dewy grass, it's chewy cookies and crunchy apples. It's the friends that are your family, and the family that are your friends. It's wanting to be a better person, it's inspiring those around you. It's color and passion and life and culture... it's that which makes us different... and exactly the same. It's the little things in your day... it's the little things that should be regarded as the big things, the important things... in your life.
It's watching a bird in a fountain in Tuscany... xoxo.