2013 | A year of shifting and growing

This has been a different January for me. It doesn't necessarily feel like the end of something and the beginning of another. I think I've been in a transition zone for the past year, during which I have felt out of balance and slightly out of alignment with who I am and what I want. The real shift began in the Fall and has been an ebbing and flowing of energy and emotion since. Somewhere along the way I found my footing. This time rooted in something different, a new path with a stronger foundation. Part of this shift has been about entering into a different phase in my life. Part of it has been about really understanding what I want to do and how to do it. And the last part is about getting to know and understand the woman I have become, and the woman I want to be. It's been a big year of growth... and like most good things, it hasn't come easy.

I am so thankful for the experiences and challenges that instigated this shift, for the people that have supported me along the way, and the clarity and strength I now feel because of it.

I feel a deep-rooted strength in this new foundation. I have a new clarity of what truly brings me joy, a better understanding of what lights me up, what is important and what I want to create. Life looks different. I feel different.

I'm excited to see how this shift changes what I capture... and what I create. In images. In art. In love. In life.

Here are a few moments along the way of 2013. Although I had my challenges, I was also blessed with incredible experiences of travel and family and friends and love.
