Fall is...

Fall is short days, cooler and crisper. Fall is crunchy leaves. Fall is warm sweaters and layering clothes. Fall is hot soups. Fall is heavy dew that sparkles in the morning light. Fall is back to school, new clothes and school supplies. Fall is crisp apples and squash. Fall is brown grasses and plants falling back into the ground. Fall is a melody of reds and oranges, yellows and purples. Fall is chimney smoke. Fall is many things to me... but mostly, Fall is change. It is my time of introspection. My mind and body craves it. I need to reflect on where I've been and where I am going, what I have learned and how to use that to be better. This is my time for recognizing the path I will create for myself. I'm not exactly sure yet where my path will lead, but I'm pretty confident that the journey will be filled with adventure, challenges, inspiration, love, and amazing friends and family.

These are some of my favorite photos from past Falls...