Black Friday. I heard about this day. Sales even bigger than Boxing Day. And with the state of the economy, there was talk of sales being even bigger and better than ever. So why then, did we choose to celebrate and go out dancing the night before this huge event, when if anything, we needed to be in our finest form??? When I opened the curtains in the morning, my heart dropped when I saw the clear, blue skies overhead. Why now? Why couldn’t the sun shine yesterday when I had all the time in the world to shoot the city? After 5 minutes in the Barneys shoe department, women in a state of excited panic holding armfuls of shoes and boots, I couldn’t take it anymore- I needed air and I had to rid this feeling of guilt and at least attempt a few photos. I walked out of Barneys- Yes, I walked OUT of Barneys empty-handed- and crossed the street to Central Park. This is when it really hit me. New York City in all its glory. Horse-drawn carriages, ice-skating in Central Park, roasted chestnuts, line-ups of frenzied shoppers around the block just to get in to Saks, fur coats worth more than my university education, old churches nestled beside brand new sky scrapers, steam billowing from street vents, vendors selling everything from Prada to pashminas... and me, fumbling through thousands and thousands of people, trying to breathe in every moment. The chaos, the beauty, the uniqueness of NYC. Truly one of the greatest cities in the world.