A wife, mother, foodie and travel junkie. Lover of thoughtful design and unique experiences. Learning photography in the family darkroom, Melissa has had a camera in her hand for more years than she can remember, focusing on natural light weddings for at least 10 of them. Based out of Los Angeles, Melissa now focuses on editorial, interiors and her Travel Lifestyle Company, The Perfect Hideaway (see below for more info). When she's not shooting on assignment, she is most likely soaking up life with her family, at the beach, in her garden, or planning her next adventure. Most recently, Melissa's work can be seen in The Wisdom of Sundays with Oprah Winfrey, which features over 100 of Melissa's breathtaking photos, as well as The Path Made Clear, the second book in the series.
"I’m always asking people, “Yes, but how did it make you feel?” That, above all else, is the true gauge for me. I want my images to stir something in you. Maybe it’s a sense of calm. Or a renewed appreciation for things often overlooked. Or maybe, just maybe, it inspires something in you to take steps toward your own true expression. To me, listening to how something makes you feel is what ultimately leads you towards happiness." (exert from interview for The Wisdom of Sundays with Oprah Winfrey)
For questions/inquiries, please reach out to melissa@melissagidneyphoto.com.
In 2017, Melissa had the unique opportunity to work on The Wisdom of Sundays with Oprah Winfrey. The spiritual guide celebrates the life-changing insights and Aha moments shared with her by some of the world’s most highly-regarded thought leaders who have appeared on her three-time Emmy winning show, “Super Soul Sunday.” The book is also a celebration of nature and features photographs designed to help the reader delight in the world around us. Hand-picked by Oprah, Melissa has over 100 images featured in the book, ranging from images capturing the most intimate and treasured locations on Oprah's property to breath-taking photos taken on Melissa's world travels. The book will be released in stores October 2017.
Melissa is also the founder of The Perfect Hideaway, a travel website that celebrates the hidden, in particular, beautifully designed accommodation spaces that are created with the understanding of the effect a well-designed space has on the psychological well-being of the occupant. In short, these spaces make you feel good. Currently, The Perfect Hideaway is undergoing a re-brand and website build with the intention of getting back to the heart of it all, essentially, a more holistic way of traveling with a focus on meaningful experiences and connections (disconnect from your routines, reconnect with yourself and others). The aesthetically-curated collection of spaces is design-driven and will showcase the private homes, BnB's and boutique hotels as such, highlighting not just the design elements, but also their story, unique experiences and the passionate people behind them. There are many exciting things to come - stay tuned!